Onafhankelijke meetoplossing om warmtenetwerken lange termijn te exploiteren

Efficiency and control of district heating

Optimise your heat network with reliable, up-to-date data for smart insights, billing and control. Ensure efficient heat supply and save costs with innovative solutions.


EnergyGrip warmte overzicht


The EnergyGrip dashboard gives you detailed insight into your heat network. Optimise the network smartly and quickly, and identify faults down to the exact location. This helps to efficiently assign staff and resources so that problems are solved quickly.

Discover more about EnergyGrip

reliable data with nextalink

Reliable data

For heat providers, reliable, accurate data is essential to properly manage their network and processes. With EnergyGrip, we offer a solution that collects data directly from the meter. The Nextalink measures and communicates this consumption data securely and reliably, giving you access to up-to-date information at all times.
Thanks to our approach, which allows for multiple communication channels, we guarantee that you always have the right data. So you can confidently manage and optimise your heat network.

Flexible integration

EnergyGrip works effortlessly with different systems, regardless of the brand or type of your meters and devices. So you are ready for the future, with maximum flexibility and ease of use.

energyflip dashboard

Insight for end customers

For end customers, independent insight into their energy consumption is essential, especially within monopolistic markets such as district heating. With EnergyFlip, we offer a user-friendly app that gives end users real-time insight into their consumption. This helps them better understand and optimise their energy consumption.

EnergyGrip dashboard geeft inzicht in het stadswarmte netwerk

Accurate billing

With EnergyGrip, you ensure a more efficient billing process. Our solution gives you independent insight into consumption and ensures more grip and quality in the handling of invoices.

  • Always up-to-date data.
  • Improved overview and optimisation.
  • Better invoicing based on reliable and independent data.
insight in energy usage aurum europe

Case study: Purmerend district heating

By 2027, all heat meters in Europe must be smart. Stadsverwarming Purmerend (SVP) implemented EnergyGrip to optimise their network, give customers insight into their consumption, and streamline billing. Thanks to the EnergyGrip dashboard, SVP can act proactively and manage their infrastructure more efficiently.

aurum klant vatttenfall

Case study: Vattenfall

For Vattenfall, we handle the billing data of their district heating customers in the Netherlands. With over 100,000 connected customers, our IoT solution helps optimise the heat network and enable predictive maintenance, while giving end customers insight into their energy consumption.

Let’s meet!

Want to gain more insight into your energy consumption? Let’s conduct a no-obligation assessment together to discover how we can make your energy data visible, save costs, and become more sustainable!



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